31402, Savannah, Georgia - July 17, 2018
Loose Gravel or Stone Paving$1.14 - $1.51 per square foot (4 inch thick gravel or crushed stone) Cost includes labor. Includes delivery of gravel. Does not account for excavation or tree removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
31401, Savannah, Georgia - July 17, 2018
Loose Gravel or Stone Paving$1.14 - $1.51 per square foot (4 inch thick gravel or crushed stone) Cost includes gravel driveway replacement. Includes delivery of gravel. Items excluded: excavation or tree removal.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
31402, Savannah, Georgia - June 13, 2018
Gravel Delivery$32.96 - $38.34 per ton for pea gravel Estimated quote includes driver's labor for gravel delivery services. No additional charge for gray 3/8” pea gravel and local delivery (within 10 mile radius). Cost estimate excludes colored gravels, bagged gravel, and deliveries outside of a 10 mile radius.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
31401, Savannah, Georgia - June 13, 2018
Gravel Delivery$32.96 - $38.34 per ton for pea gravel This estimated quote includes gravel delivery services. It also includes gray 3/8” pea gravel and local delivery (within 10 mile radius). Cost excludes colored gravels, bagged gravel, and deliveries outside of a 10 mile radius.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |